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Meeting – Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Chair – Sandi Power

Present: Sandi Power, Marcia Lambert, Jan Kendall, Shirley Walker, Mary Ellen Halliwell, Sara Fiore, Amy Alpert, Ellen Talkowsky, Judith Wolfe   Absent:  Tom Moran,  Bev Moustakis, Paul Falconer,   

A motion to dispense with a reading of the minutes was offered, seconded and passed.  The minutes of the meeting held January 27, 2009 were approved as amended.  

Amendments to the minutes of the 1/27/09 meeting
Present:  Paul Falconer and Tom Moran attended the meeting.
Tree-mendous Event:  Shirley sent her acknowledgement letters to the Salem News and the Salem Gazette.
Publicity:  Sandi loaned four photos to Tom and will need to have them returned.

Old Business
1.  Plant Sale project
        Sandi distributed a plant sale update.  Discussion suggested the need for the inclusion of more perennials.  It was suggested that committee members could bring perennials and other plants from their own gardens.  Issues regarding warranties etc. were considered.  It was suggested that such plants could be segregated from the rest with notice that there were no warranties.  The event is to be held on May 16th with a rain date on the 17th . The event is in need of a chairperson.  The call is out for a volunteer.

2.  Clean Sweeps
        Clean Sweeps is scheduled for May 2nd.  Ellen has a list of names of people and organizations who have been responsible for various locations in the past.  She will do an inventory of the supplies that are currently available. Various methods for soliciting volunteers were offered.  Shirley will discuss the event with NIAC and will discuss participation with staff at the Salem YMCA.  It is anticipated that Tee Shirts, a D.J. and pizza will again be available for volunteers.  We are all to look for locations to be included in the Sweep.

3.  Traffic Islands 2009
        Sandi reported that there is a need to establish reasonable sponsorship fees, a need from Committee members to become maintenance monitors and to be responsible for upkeep of assigned islands.  Ellen pointed out that the funds derived from the Traffic Island projects are used for various beautification related City purposes.  
        A special meeting of  the Beautification Committee has been called for on March 11th at 7:00 P.M.  The purpose of the meeting is to develop a strategy for improving the Traffic Island program.

4.  MBTA Report
        Mary Ellen will write a letter to the MBTA giving notice of our intent to plant and maintain selected sites including the stairs from Washington Street to the station. She will also notify the MBTA regarding Clean Sweeps.  She suggested that we should request to be included in planning regarding the development of new parking facilities.  It was moved, seconded and passed that Mary Ellen draft a letter to the proper authorities asking to be included in such planning.  

5.  Newspaper Box Ordinance Report
        Marcia reported that the newspaper box Ordinance is on for review by the Council’s subcommittee for Thursday of this week.  Ellen had e-mailed a copy of the Ordinance to Committee members.  The process for the ordinance is to be reviewed by the subcommittee, go before the Licensing Committee then the Legal Affairs Committee.  As a proposed Ordinance it will need to be considered by the Salem Council in two different sessions.    Marcia pointed out that the Ordinance requires each box be numbered for identification purposes.
6.  Salem Gazette photos  
        This item was tabled for a future meeting.

7.  Artist Row update
        Shirley began her report by announcing her need to resign from the Committee effective immediately.  She then went on to advise that the Artist Row project made great strides last year and that much of the preparation work necessary to start off the coming season has been done. The planters are in storage and Shirley has prepared list of plants needed and notes from her own experience.  A call for a volunteer chairperson was made.    Committee members expressed their appreciation of Shirley’s efforts on behalf of the Committee in all the matters in which she was active above and beyond Artist Row.

8.  Salem State Community Service Project
        Ellen called the Planning Department regarding suitable projects for Salem State’s March 19th community service project endeavor.  Suggestions were the Kiosk on the pedestrian Mall and cleaning out the sand from under the grates surrounding the trees on the Mall

1. New Spaces
        Marcia reported on a conference she had attended.  She was very impressed with the ideas she found there, books and other print material that were available and the information she picked up.  When she asked about an ivy suitable for the conditions of the traffic island on Washington Street, she was told that Boston Ivy would be the best bet.  She was warned that it takes a lot of care in the first year.  She recommended the website: 

2.  Ellen reported that she has heard from someone who is very interested in organizing the Tree-mendous Event.  She will follow up on this offer.  The usefulness of volunteers was discussed.

3.  Marcia noted that Salem is hosting a book and CD/DVD swap event to beheld at St. Peters church this weekend.  

A motion to was presented, seconded and passed

Respectfully submitted

Judith Wolfe

Next Meeting;  3/11/09 (Traffic Island strategy)
                 3/24/09  (Business Meeting - Chairperson: Paul Falconer)